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Using temporary URLs

Even though an object might be stored in a private container, you may still grant temporary access to it. This is known as a temporary URL, or TempURL.


In order to manage TempURLs, be sure that you have installed and configured the swift command-line interface (CLI). There is presently no way to create TempURLs with the openstack CLI.

Also, ensure that you have configured a private container, i.e. one with an empty Read ACL. The examples in this how-to guide assume that your container is named private-container.

Setting a TempURL shared secret

In order to be able to create TempURLs, you must first create a shared secret at the account level. You should create a secret that is hard to guess, such as one generated by a utility like pwgen:

TEMP_URL_KEY=`pwgen 32 1`

To set the account-level secret, proceed with the following command:

$ openstack object store account set --property Temp-URL-Key=${TEMP_URL_KEY}

$ swift post -m Temp-Url-Key:${TEMP_URL_KEY}
Note that since this an account-level setting, you invoke swift post without a container or object name.

The TempURL secret is not encrypted or hashed; you can read it back at the account level with the following command:

$ openstack object store account show
| Field      | Value                                           |
| Account    | AUTH_30a7768a0ffc40359d6110f21a6e7d88           |
| Bytes      | 24                                              |
| Containers | 2                                               |
| Objects    | 2                                               |
| properties | temp-url-key='tooNgeiNgieJe6bohg7teik8eiDeeMai' |
$ swift stat
                                    Account: AUTH_30a7768a0ffc40359d6110f21a6e7d88
                                 Containers: 2
                                    Objects: 2
                                      Bytes: 24
Objects in policy "default-placement-bytes": 0
  Bytes in policy "default-placement-bytes": 0
   Containers in policy "default-placement": 2
      Objects in policy "default-placement": 2
        Bytes in policy "default-placement": 24
                          Meta Temp-Url-Key: tooNgeiNgieJe6bohg7teik8eiDeeMai
                                X-Timestamp: 1670245963.98328
                X-Account-Bytes-Used-Actual: 8192
                                 X-Trans-Id: tx00000fbce1bedc1e2b138-00638dee4b-301ddeb-default
                     X-Openstack-Request-Id: tx00000fbce1bedc1e2b138-00638dee4b-301ddeb-default
                              Accept-Ranges: bytes
                               Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Creating a TempURL for an object

To create a temporary URL for an object in a private container, select a duration for which you want it to be valid. The example below uses 1 hour (3,600 seconds).

Then, use swift tempurl and specify

  • the HTTP method for which the TempURL should apply (usually GET),
  • the TempURL lifetime, in seconds,
  • the full path to the object including
  • the /v1 prefix,
  • the account identifier starting with AUTH_,
  • the container name,
  • the object name,
  • the TempURL key.

When specified in this way, the command returns a path similar to the following:

$ swift tempurl GET 3600 \
    /v1/AUTH_30a7768a0ffc40359d6110f21a6e7d88/private-container/testobj.txt     \

Accessing objects via their TempURL

You must then use your freshly generated TempURL path as the path in a URL pointing to the object. This will enable you to fetch the object using a simple HTTP client, like curl:

$ curl ''
hello world

If you (or someone else) were to attempt to fetch the same URL after its lifetime expired, they would be met with an HTTP 401 error:

$ curl -i ''
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
content-length: 12
x-trans-id: tx0000001113c5020d8a1de-00638df0ea-301ddeb-default
x-openstack-request-id: tx0000001113c5020d8a1de-00638df0ea-301ddeb-default
accept-ranges: bytes
content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
date: Mon, 05 Dec 2022 14:23:54 GMT