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Object storage in Cleura Cloud

Object storage in Cleura Cloud is implemented via the Ceph Object Gateway, also known as radosgw (commonly pronounced “rados gateway”).

This facility exposes access to objects via two RESTful APIs: the Amazon S3 API, and the OpenStack Swift API. It is, however, important to understand that radosgw shares no code with Amazon S3, nor with OpenStack Swift.

As such, object storage in Cleura Cloud is not expected to behave exactly as Amazon S3 or OpenStack Swift, although it tracks their behavior very closely. The Ceph upstream documentation lists API deviations from the respective reference implementations, for both the S3 and the Swift API. Our reference section lists additional limitations specific to Cleura Cloud.

Object storage integration with OpenStack authentication

In Cleura Cloud, the OpenStack object‑store service endpoints point not to native OpenStack Swift proxy servers, but to radosgw endpoints. This is to say that radosgw acts as a “drop-in” replacement for OpenStack Swift.

As such, it is fully integrated with OpenStack’s authentication facility, OpenStack Keystone. This means that once you have configured the OpenStack CLI correctly, you can interact with the object‑store endpoint as with any other OpenStack service, using the Swift API.

The S3 API, however, does not natively “know” about OpenStack authentication. The radosgw endpoints in Cleura Cloud still authenticate via Keystone, albeit taking a little detour: you must first create AWS-style credentials and configure your S3 client with them, which it can then use to make properly authenticated S3 API calls.


OpenStack Swift has the concept of multi-tenancy built-in. Thus, if you use the Swift API with credentials for an OpenStack user that authenticates against a specific Cleura Cloud region and uses a specific project, it can only interact with objects stored in containers belonging to that project by default.

In Cleura Cloud, you also get multi-tenancy for S3 objects, even though this concept is not intrinsic to S3 itself. Here, again, a slight conceptual detour applies: when you create AWS-style credentials, then those are linked to a specific OpenStack user, region, and project. When you subsequently use those credentials for S3 interactions, any buckets and objects thus created belong to the project to which the credentials are linked.

Object identity in Cleura Cloud

Whether you access a specific object via the Swift API or the S3 API, it is the same object. This also means that the object’s container (accessed via the Swift API) is identical to its containing bucket (accessed via the S3 API).

Thus, if you

you will find an S3 bucket named test, containing an object named my‑object.

Permission and feature conflicts

The fact that objects are identical when accessed via Swift and S3 also entails that bucket and object permissions, set via one API, also apply to object access using the other API.

For example, if you make a container public via the Swift API, it also becomes a public bucket that is accessible via an S3 API path. You cannot simultaneously retain mandatory private (authenticated) access to the corresponding bucket via the S3 API.

Object storage in Cleura Cloud also does not allow you to make competing feature settings on containers/buckets, based on the API used to access them. For example, it is not possible to create a Swift container that enables versioning, while disabling bucket versioning on the corresponding S3 bucket.

Sometimes, this creates unavoidable conflicts if a specific feature is only available in one of the supported APIs. For example, if you set a public read policy on an S3 bucket, the corresponding Swift container will still show an empty Read ACL, making the Swift container look like it is private, even though its objects are accessible through simple public URLs. This is because Swift has no concept of fine-grained bucket policies, as they exist in S3.