Contribution Guide
See something on this site that is inaccurate, missing, or that could simply be improved? There are multiple ways for you to help make this site better, and we welcome all of them.
You can make modifications and contributions using Git, and we apply certain checks to ensure consistent documentation quality.
Technical Writing Resources
Whether you are an experienced technical writer, a regular (or not-so-regular) open source contributor, or you’re making your very first writing contribution, there are a ton of helpful resources on technical writing. Here are a few:
- Digital Ocean’s Technical Writing Guidelines
- Red Hat’s Writing Style Guide
- Gareth Dwyer’s Technical Writing repository
- Bolaji Ayodeji’s Awesome Technical Writing collection
The documentation on this site uses Markdown. Markdown is a documentation format that is rich enough to be useful for good technical documentation, and yet simpler and easier to learn than other formats like reStructuredText or DocBook XML.
If you’re unfamiliar with Markdown, you can read up on its basics in this classic article by John Gruber if you’re interested, but chances are that you’ll also find all the information you’ll need in this cheat sheet by Adam Pritchard, or the Start Writing guide from GitHub.
Or you simply look at the source of one of the pages on this site (try the Edit button on this one!) and figure it out as you go along — it’s really pretty straightforward.
With the sole exception of trademarks like “Cleura” and the
Cleura logo, the content on this site is available under the
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license,
as you can see from the
icon at the bottom of each page. Please keep in mind that you are
making your contribution under those terms.