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Listing and filtering images

You can use either the openstack command-line interface (CLI), or the Cleura Cloud Management Panel, to list available public images in Cleura Cloud.

When creating a server

Images are sorted by their Operating System on the Create a Server menu.

A panel displaying the images sorted by operating system during server creation.

A panel displaying Rocky images when user descends to rocky folder on create a server screen.

On the Images tab

You can also see the full list of images in the Images → Public Images menu item. On this page you can filter images based on their name, UUID or even tags.

A public images panel that uses filtering of images by name to show all Rocky images in all regions. A public images panel that uses filtering of images by os_version tag to show all images of version 9 in all regions.

Using the openstack image list command, the CLI gives you several ways of filtering images.

Filter by properties

You can retrieve a filtered list of available images, based on specific image properties:

$ openstack image list \
  --public \
  --status active \
  --property os_distro=ubuntu \
  --property os_version=20.04 \
| ID                                   | Name                            | Status |
| f0babf5c-65b6-40d7-b5ce-e60361f2cb09 | Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa x86_64 | active |

As shown in the example, you can specify multiple tags when filtering by properties. However, you cannot use properties as negated filters. For example, you cannot use the --property option to list public and active images that are not Ubuntu.

Filter by tag

In order to list images that match a specific tag, you can use the following command:

$ openstack image list \
  --public \
  --status active \
  --tag os:ubuntu \
  --tag os_version:20.04
| ID                                   | Name                            | Status |
| f0babf5c-65b6-40d7-b5ce-e60361f2cb09 | Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa x86_64 | active |

Filter by name

Since we aim to make image names consistent, you can also apply filtering based on image names.

For example:

$ openstack image list \
  --status active \
  --name "Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa x86_64"
| ID                                   | Name                            | Status |
| f0babf5c-65b6-40d7-b5ce-e60361f2cb09 | Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa x86_64 | active |