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Examining images

You can use the openstack CLI in combination with the jq command-line JSON processor to inspect an image’s properties.

Default user

The image_original_user property reflects the username of the default non-root user of the corresponding operating system – and that piece of information may come in handy in various automation scenarios. So, to find out the username of the default non-root user in the Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish x86_64 image, you can type the following:

$ openstack image show -f json "Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish x86_64" \
    | jq '.properties.image_original_user'

Image update frequency

Images in Cleura Cloud are updated regularly, and that is something you can deduce from the replace_frequency property. See, for example, the value of this property in the Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish x86_64 image:

$ openstack image show -f json "Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish x86_64" \
    | jq '.properties.replace_frequency'

Per the SCS reference, monthly here means that the image is replaced at least once per month. Newer images have operating systems with all the latest package updates and security fixes.

Image build date

To find out when a particular image was most recently updated, inspect its image_build_date property:

$ openstack image show -f json "Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish x86_64" \
    | jq '.properties.image_build_date'