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Pre-signed object URLs

You can use the S3 API to temporarily allow access to individual objects without authentication from a browser, using pre-signed URLs.

This approach is distinct from enabling permanent anonymous access to objects in a bucket. If you are planning to use pre-signed URLs in a bucket, then that bucket should not have a public read policy.

Pre-signed URLs are typically found in web applications using a Software Development Kit (SDK) to interact with the S3 API. An example of such an SDK would be Boto3 for Python applications.

This how-to guide instead uses command-line utilities to illustrate the concept, and to facilitate testing pre-signed URLs in Cleura Cloud.


The use of pre-signed URLs requires that you configure your environment with working S3-compatible credentials.

Creating a pre-signed URL

To create a pre-signed URL for an object, you use the following command (replace <seconds> with the number of seconds you want the pre-signed URL to be valid):

aws --profile <region> \
  s3 presign \
  --expires-in <seconds>

mc share download --expire <seconds>s <region>/<bucket-name>
Note the s suffix for the --expire option. mc also supports the suffix m for minutes, h for hours, and d for days.

If you do not set --expire, mc defaults to creating a pre-signed URL that is valid for 7 days.

For pre-signed URLs generated with s3cmd to work correctly in Cleura Cloud, you must use an s3cmd version later than 2.0.1, and set signurl_use_https = True in your configuration file.

s3cmd -c ~/.s3cfg-<region> signurl s3://<bucket-name>/<object-name> +<seconds>
Note the + prefix on the expiry. s3cmd also supports setting an absolute expiry date, which does not use the + prefix and must be formatted in Unix time.

The command will return the valid pre-signed URL.

Accessing objects with a pre-signed URL

To access an object in a public bucket from a web browser or a generic HTTP/HTTPS client like curl, open the URL that the pre-sign command returned:

curl -f -O https://s3-<region><bucket-name>/<object-name>?AWSAccessKeyId=<access-key>&Signature=<signature>&Expires=<expiry>

As long as the query parameters are correct and the signature has not yet expired, this command will succeed. If the query parameters are incorrect or the pre-signed URL is past its expiry date, it will fail with HTTP 403 (Forbidden) instead.

Pre-signed URLs are valid for HTTP GET requests only. Thus, even a valid pre-signed URL will result in HTTP 403 if you force a different HTTP method (such as HEAD, by setting curl -I).

For example, to retrieve an object named bar.pdf in a bucket named foo in the Cleura Cloud Kna1 region via its pre-signed URL, you would run:

$ curl -o bar.pdf
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 62703  100 62703    0     0   186k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  186k

Setting the download filename on the object

When you use curl (and potentially other browsers or HTTP/HTTPS clients) to download an object from a pre-signed URL, the default behavior is to set its filename to the name of the downloaded object including the query parameters. This can lead to rather unwieldly filenames.

To ensure that an object named bar.pdf in a bucket named foo is always downloaded and stored with bar.pdf as its filename, you can set its Content-Disposition header.

Setting Content-Disposition on object creation

aws --profile <region> \
  s3api put-object \
  --content-disposition 'attachment;filename="bar.pdf"' \
  --bucket <bucket-name> \
  --key <object-name>

The mc client does not correctly support this feature.

You can set the attribute on object creation:

mc cp --attr Content-Disposition='attachment;filename="bar.pdf"' bar.pdf kna1/foo/
However, mc cuts off the Content-Disposition header at the semicolon, rendering it useless:
$ mc stat kna1/foo/bar.pdf
Name      : bar.pdf
Date      : 2023-01-12 12:53:52 CET
Size      : 57 KiB
ETag      : 630f6e1bf441a0eee63f9cb06804dc79
Type      : file
Metadata  :
  Content-Type       : application/pdf
  X-Amz-Meta-Filename: bar.pdf
  Content-Disposition: attachment
You should thus set the Content-Disposition header with a different client.

s3cmd -c ~/.s3cfg-<region> modify \
  --add-header 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="bar.pdf"'

Setting Content-Disposition on existing objects

To modify the Content-Disposition header of an existing object without downloading and re-uploading its contents, you must use s3api copy-object, with the object being its own copy source, and the metadata directive set to replace:

aws --profile <region> \
  s3api copy-object \
  --copy-source <bucket-name>/<object-name>
  --content-disposition 'attachment;filename="bar.pdf"' \
  --metadata-directive replace
  --bucket <bucket-name> \
  --key <object-name>

The mc client does not support modifying object metadata in-place.

s3cmd comes with a handy modify --add-header subcommand for updating object metadata in-place:

s3cmd -c ~/.s3cfg-<region> modify \
  --add-header 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="bar.pdf"'

Testing the Content-Disposition header

Once you have set the Content-Disposition header on an object and created a pre-signed URL for it, you can test its functionality with the curl -OJ command:

$ curl -f -OJ ''
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 58503  100 58503    0     0   178k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  178k
curl: Saved to filename 'bar.pdf'

Caution: do not abuse Content-Disposition

Please keep in mind that there is nothing that keeps you from having two objects in the same bucket, with Content-Disposition on one object matching the object name of the other.

For example, in the foo bucket, you may have

  • an object named spam.pdf with no Content-Disposition header, and
  • another object named eggs.pdf, with Content-Disposition set to include filename="spam.pdf".

If you were now to generate a pre-signed URL on eggs.pdf and downloaded it with curl -OJ, you would end up with a local file named spam.pdf, with the contents of eggs.pdf. This is obviously not a good idea, and you should avoid setting a Content-Disposition header that does not agree with the object name.