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Working with S3-compatible credentials

When you want to interact with object storage in Cleura Cloud using tools that support an Amazon S3 compatible API (such as s3cmd, rclone, the aws CLI, or the Python boto3 library), you need an S3-compatible access key ID and secret key.

Creating credentials

You can create a set of S3-compatible credentials with the following command:

openstack ec2 credentials create

This will return an Access and Secret key that you can use to populate the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables (or whichever configuration options your application requires).

Your S3-compatible credentials are always scoped to your Cleura Cloud region and project. You cannot reuse an access and secret key across multiple regions or projects.

Also, your credentials are only “S3-compatible” in the sense that they use the same format as AWS S3 does. They are never valid against AWS S3 itself.

Listing credentials

You can list any previously-created credentials with:

openstack ec2 credentials list

Configuring your S3 API client

Once you have obtained your S3-compatible access and secret key, you need to configure your S3 client with it.

How exactly you do that depends on your preferred client:

Install the endpoint plugin:

pip install awscli-plugin-endpoint
Then, enable the plugin in your configuration. Open the aws configuration file (normally ~/.aws/config), and add or modify the [plugins] section:
endpoint = awscli_plugin_endpoint
Now, create a new profile, named after your Cleura Cloud region. Set the credentials and endpoint URLs, using the following commands:
aws configure set \
  --profile <region> \
  aws_access_key_id <access-key>
aws configure set \
  --profile <region> \
  aws_secret_access_key <secret-key>
aws configure set \
  --profile <region> \
  s3.endpoint_url https://s3-<region>
aws configure set \
  --profile <region> \
  s3api.endpoint_url https://s3-<region>

Create a new alias, named after your Cleura Cloud region:

mc alias set <region> \
  https://s3-<region> \
  <access-key> <secret-key>
Once you have configured an alias like this, you are able to run bucket operations with mc using the alias/bucket syntax.

s3cmd does not support configuration profiles, so you need to use a separate configuration file for each Cleura Cloud region you want to use:

s3cmd -c ~/.s3cfg-<region> --configure

  • Set your Access Key and Secret Key when prompted.
  • Leave Default Region unchanged.
  • Set S3 Endpoint to s3-<region>
  • Set DNS-style bucket+hostname:port template for accessing a bucket to s3-<region> as well.
  • Set Use HTTPS protocol to Yes (the default).
  • Configure GnuPG encryption and your HTTP proxy server, if needed.
  • Test access with your supplied credentials.

On subsequent invocations of the s3cmd CLI, always add the -c ~/.s3cfg-<region> option.

Create or edit the configuration file named ~/.rclone.conf, and insert a section named after your Cleura Cloud region. That section should contain the following content:

type = s3
provider = Ceph
env_auth = false
access_key_id = <access key id>
secret_access_key = <secret key>
endpoint = <region>
acl = private

Deleting credentials

If at any time you need to delete a set of AWS-compatible credentials, you can do so with the following command:

openstack ec2 credentials delete <access-key-id>

Deleting a set of S3-compatible credentials will immediately revoke access for any applications that were using it.